Welcome to Transmetron Training!
We offer the following courses:
- DOT Urine Drug Screen Collector (UDS)
- DOT Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT)
- DOT Screening Test Technician (STT)
- DOT Supervisor Training
- DOT Employee Training
- non-DOT Courses:
- DNA Collector Training
- Hair Drug Test Collection
- Nail Drug Test Collection
- Saliva Drug Test Screening
- Urine Drug Screen Collector
- Rapid Urine Drug Screening
- Breath Alcohol Technician
- Alcohol Screening Test Tecnician.
Transmetron has been performing drug test training since 2003. Our classes are comprehensive and through.
We are constantly updating current courses and adding new courses regualry. If you are looking for a course we do not currently have, please check back later, or, give us a new course recommendation!
We do our best to provide the most up to date and comprehensive training available!
For more information on any of our courses:
please give us a call at 801-596-2709!
- DOT Urine Drug Screen Collector (UDS)
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Available courses
Welcome to Transmetron Training! We offer the following courses:
- DOT Urine Drug Screen Collector
- DOT Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT)
- DOT Screening Test Technician (STT)
- DOT Supervisor Training
- DOT Employee Training
- non-DOT Courses: Urine Drug Screen Collector, Rapid Urine Drug Screening, Saliva Drug Test Screening, Hair Drug Test Collection, Breath Alcohol Technician and Alcohol Screening Test Tecnician.
Although Transmetron has been performing drug test training since 2003, this website is new and does not currently contain all of our training courses. We are continually adding new courses and updating the courses we do have to provide the most up to date and comprehensive training available.
For more information on any of our courses, please give us a call at 801-596-2709.
Using Paternity DNA Collection as its primary example, this class covers all aspects of the DNA collection process.
DNA Collector Training – purchase, check pricing link
- Manager: Angie Garcia
DOT Consortium - Third Party Administrator (C/TPA) Training Course
DOT C/TPA Rules & Regs Training Course - This interactive training program allows the Consortium - Third Party Administrator study the DOT rules and regulations at their own pace. This web based training delivers consistent and accurate information about the DOT rules in a style that engages the trainee. Visual explanations and repetition of the key points help students learn the material.
This course is an addendum to the:
DOT Designated Employer Representative (DER) Training – purchase, check pricing link
- Teacher: Steve Sandlin
DOT Urine Drug Screen Collector - Basic Information Training
This is part one of a three part process in becoming certified to become certified in DOT Urine Drug Screen Collections.
Step two is Qualification Training and step three is Proficiency Demonstration.
DOT UDS Basic Information Training – purchase, check pricing link
DOT (I-VII) Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) Training Course
DOT BAT Rules & Regs Training Course - meets DOT requirements for Units 1-7. Unit 8 EBT Training separate. This is a Web Based Training program (WBT) we use to assist our Instructors in meeting DOT's training requirements. This training is offered on-line and provides Units I-VII of the required training in a DOT Model Course equivalent format. This interactive training program allows the student to study the DOT rules and regulations at their own pace and is designed to replace in-class training requirements of Units I-VII of the DOT Model Course. The WBT delivers consistent and accurate information about the DOT rules in a style that engages the trainee. Audio and visual explanations and repetition of the key points help students learn the material, pass the Unit quizzes and the overall Mastery Test.
The “study at your own pace” feature of the program offers flexibility for the trainer and the trainee. It reduces the preparation time and class time required by both parties, as well as providing a resource to allow the trainee to find answers to questions in the future. In addition, it provides the trainer with a foolproof method of insuring that the student has actually completed the WBT self-study program, which is one of DOT’s training requirements.
DOT Breath Alcohol Technician – purchase, check pricing link
- Manager: Angie Garcia
DOT Designated Employer Representative (DER) Training Course
DOT DER Rules & Regs Training Course - This interactive training program allows the DER to study the DOT rules and regulations at their own pace. This web based training delivers consistent and accurate information about the DOT rules in a style that engages the trainee. Visual explanations and repetition of the key points help students learn the material, pass the Unit quizzes and the overall Mastery Test.
DOT Designated Employer Representative (DER) Training – purchase, check pricing link
- Manager: Angie Garcia
2 hour Employee Training Course on recognizing signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse that exceeds DOT requirements for Employee training.
DOT Employee Training – purchase, check pricing link
DOT Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - Agency Specific Training Course
DOT FAA Agency Specific Rules & Regs Training Course - This interactive training program allows the DER to study the DOT rules and regulations at their own pace. This web based training delivers consistent and accurate information about the DOT rules in a style that engages the trainee. Visual explanations and repetition of the key points help students learn the material, pass the Unit overall Mastery Test.
This course is an addendum to the:
DOT Designated Employer Representative (DER) Training – purchase, check pricing link
DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) - Agency Specific Training Course
DOT DER Rules & Regs Training Course - This interactive training program allows the DER to study the DOT rules and regulations at their own pace. This web based training delivers consistent and accurate information about the DOT rules in a style that engages the trainee. Visual explanations and repetition of the key points help students learn the material, pass the Unit overall Mastery Test.
This course is an addendum to the:
DOT Designated Employer Representative (DER) Training – purchase, check pricing link
DOT (I-VII) Screening Test Technician (STT) Training Course
DOT STT Rules & Regs Training Course - meets DOT requirements for Units 1-7. Unit 8 STT Training (proficiency) is done separately via webcam or in person. This is a Web Based Training program (WBT) we use to assist our Instructors in meeting DOT's training requirements. This training is offered on-line and provides Units I-VII of the required training in a DOT Model Course equivalent format. This interactive training program allows the student to study the DOT rules and regulations at their own pace and is designed to replace in-class training requirements of Units I-VII of the DOT Model Course. The WBT delivers consistent and accurate information about the DOT rules in a style that engages the trainee. Audio and visual explanations and repetition of the key points help students learn the material, pass the Unit quizzes and the overall Mastery Test.
The “study at your own pace” feature of the program offers flexibility for the trainer and the trainee. It reduces the preparation time and class time required by both parties, as well as providing a resource to allow the trainee to find answers to questions in the future. In addition, it provides the trainer with a foolproof method of insuring that the student has actually completed the WBT self-study program, which is one of DOT’s training requirements.
DOT Screening Test Technician Training – purchase, check pricing link
DOT (I-VII) Screening Test Technician (STT) Training Course
DOT STT Rules & Regs Training Course - meets DOT requirements for Units 1-7. Unit 8 STT Training (proficiency) is done separately via webcam or in person. This is a Web Based Training program (WBT) we use to assist our Instructors in meeting DOT's training requirements. This training is offered on-line and provides Units I-VII of the required training in a DOT Model Course equivalent format. This interactive training program allows the student to study the DOT rules and regulations at their own pace and is designed to replace in-class training requirements of Units I-VII of the DOT Model Course. The WBT delivers consistent and accurate information about the DOT rules in a style that engages the trainee. Audio and visual explanations and repetition of the key points help students learn the material, pass the Unit quizzes and the overall Mastery Test.
The “study at your own pace” feature of the program offers flexibility for the trainer and the trainee. It reduces the preparation time and class time required by both parties, as well as providing a resource to allow the trainee to find answers to questions in the future. In addition, it provides the trainer with a foolproof method of insuring that the student has actually completed the WBT self-study program, which is one of DOT’s training requirements.
- Manager: Angie Garcia
4 hour Supervisor Training Course on recognizing signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse that exceeds DOT requirements for supervisor training.
DOT Supervisor Training – purchase, check pricing link
DOT Urine Drug Screen Collector - Basic Information Training
This is part one of a three part process in becoming certified to become certified in DOT Urine Drug Screen Collections.
Step two is Qualification Training and step three is Proficiency Demonstration.
DOT UDS Basic Information Training – purchase, check pricing link
DOT Urine Drug Screen Collector Training Course - DOT UDS
This course meets and exceeds the DOT requirements for urine collection.
Our DOT Drug Screen Collector course is designed to comply with new DOT regulations pertaining to collectors. New DOT rules require all collectors undergo basic knowledge and qualification training plus proficiency training. Collector refresher training will be required every five years thereafter, and error-correction training is required if the collector makes an error that causes a DOT drug test to be cancelled. Mock collections shall be performed according to DOT requirements. Each person must bring at least (7) copies of the new HHS Federal five-part Custody and Control Form in use by their laboratory and (7) corresponding sealed split specimen collection kits. A permanent copy of the collector certificate shall be maintained by Transmetron, and the collector shall be notified when future refresher training is required.
Who should attend: New and refresher collectors, collector instructors, collector supervisors, occupational health providers, employers of DOT covered workers, auditors, insurance representatives, laboratory representatives, MROs, SAPs, MRO assistants, TPAs.
DOT Urine Drug Screen Collector – purchase, check pricing link
- Manager: Angie Garcia
How To Use The Itegrated EZ 2 Drug Test Cup
Oral Cube - Oral Fluid Drug & Alcohol Screen Device - use and procedures training.
OrAlert oral saiva drug screen ues and proceedures.
Oratect - oral saliva drug screen uses and proceedures.
This Professional Nail Collection training class covers all aspects of the Fingernail/Toenail collection process.
Professional Nail Collector Training – purchase, check pricing link
- Manager: Angie Garcia
Complete course covering all aspects of Rapid, Multi-panel Drug Test cup use and procedures. This course includes: urine collection procedure, testing procedure, test results procedure (reading, interpreting and reporting) and lab sample preparation.
Rapid, Multi-panel Cup Training – purchase, check pricing link
STAT Swab - Oral Fluid Drug & Alcohol Screen Device - use and procedures training.
Substance / Surface (PedTest) Training
Identify drugs on surfaces or identify the actual drug with PenTest drug test. Test homes for meth residue. Various law enforcement applications.
Urine Drug Screen Collector Training Course - non-DOT UDS
This course meets strict requirements for urine collection.
Our Urine Drug Screen Collector course is designed to comply with newest and most strict guidelines pertaining to uine collectors. Our through training requires all collectors to undergo basic knowledge and qualification training plus proficiency training. Mock collections are performed according to strict requirements. Each person must bring at least (7) copies of their multi-part Custody and Control Form in use by their laboratory and (7) corresponding sealed split specimen collection kits. A permanent copy of the collector certificate shall be maintained by Transmetron.
Who should attend: new collectors, collector instructors, collector supervisors, occupational health providers, employers performing urine collection. auditors, insurance representatives, laboratory representatives, MROs, SAPs, MRO assistants, TPAs.